Dear buiatric colleagues,
The Société Nationale des Groupements Techniques Vétérinaires (SNGTV) and its Buiatric College are delighted to invite you to the European Buiatrics Congress to be held in Nantes, France on Thursday May 15th and Friday 16th, 2025. The ECBHM Annual General Meeting will be held during this congress. Furthermore, the annual Residents' Workshop will be held in Nantes just prior to the congress.
For more than 50 years, SNGTV has represented practising veterinarians in the livestock sector and has played a major role in the continuing education of bovine practitioners. Each year, SNGTV organises a congress that brings together over 800 participants (practitioners, academics and students) to address important topics in bovine practice and discuss new scientific developments, with a practical mindset. For the past 3 years, an International buiatric day (held in English) took place during this congress with invited speakers coming from all over the world.
For the 2025 edition, the international part will be extended to 2 days. It will host a selection of keynotes, oral and poster presentations that will be selected by an international scientific committee comprising ECBHM board members. A call for abstracts is opened and will close at the end of December on the web site
As mentioned above, prior to the congress, the Veterinary School of Nantes (Oniris) will organize a 2-day workshop for ECBHM Residents around pathology and food hygiene, including lectures and practical sessions as usual. The Veterinary School is close to the congress venue, making transportation easy.
We are looking forward to seeing you all in Nantes!
With our best regards.
Philippe Camuset (ECBHM diplomate, president of the organizing committee), Raphaël Guatteo (ECBHM diplomate and past president, member of WAB board, head of the scientific committee and responsible for the ECBHM workshop)